In a country in which understanding between the exporting companies can seem really rather difficult and where joint ventures between firms with common objectives don’t last long, the experience of North Italian Plastic Technology network aims to demonstrate the opposite can be true.
This is the starting point for an article published today in the weekly supplement Affari&Finanza of La Repubblica newspaper, based on an interview with Alberto Dosi, managing director of Baruffaldi Plastic Technology Srl and Giovanni Poggi, member of the board of Comav.
The editorial puts the launch of the network of companies among the positive tendencies showing up in the current situation regarding exports for the SMEs in the transformation industry, which make up for the drop in Italian GDP.
Nip-Tech aims directly at the American market, which is forecast to grow, and its goal is further expansion in 2015 through cooperation with new partners.
Last year, the Nip-Tech project was also presented in issue 4 – 2013 of Ferrara Industria the journal of Unindustria Ferrara as well as among the most significant news items registered by Macplas online (November 2013).
Thanks to its web-master, Steve Cranston, news of the launch of the network has spread rapidly among various European and American magazines and saw hard copy and online publications in Plastics Machinery Magazine, European Plastics News, Plastics News and Plastics Today.
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